Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem
Stratégiai Tanulmányok Intézete

Common Interests, Common Values?

The Institute for Strategic Studies of the University of Public Service and the Otto von Habsburg Foundation have organised a conference on the occasion of the Hungarian Visegrad Presidency, entitled Common Interests, Common Values? – Germany and the Visegrad Four in a time of new challenges on 22 April 2022.

Traditionally, the V4 and Germany are linked by a multitude of historical, economic and cultural ties. In recent years, these links have been significantly revitalised, and while a number of political differences have emerged between Berlin and the V4 capitals, geostrategic interests have remained intact. The Russian invasion of Ukraine, however, has dramatically changed the situation, disrupting this fruitful partnership, which is also important for the economic prosperity of the European Union, along divergent historical, domestic political and energy supply interests. The aim of the conference was to assess the possible consequences of this situation, the prospects for V4 cooperation and Germany’s future room for manoeuvre in the region.